So what is foam made of? Foam is a substance that is formed by trapping many gaseous bubbles in a liquid or solid consisting of polydisperse gas bubbles separated by draining films. But lets not get too technical; today lets just talk about characteristics and applications because it’s the applications that make working with foam a little different.
Then there is polyurethane or open-cell foam or reticulated foam; the gas pockets are all connected with each other. It is easiest to think of open-cell foam as a sponge. It is able to absorb things in the air pockets that it is sharing. It is designed to deliver maximum protection from the least amount of foam. It is lightweight, shatter-proof, flexible, and is not affected by mold, mildew, or bacteria. The foam can be specified at different sizes, densities, or even in sheets. You might be familiar with open cell foam in packaging applications providing cushion / protection while the particular product is in transit.

Burnett Process provides the following types of foam products and will custom design foam to meet your respective needs:
Corner Blocks: custom made to your specifications
Egg Crate: mattress padding as well as a specialty packing material for fragile and sensitive equipment.
Padding: for shipping valuable items
Protective Packaging: Higher level of product protection
Cushioning: Adds that extra cushion needed for packaging or other uses.
Industrial Packaging: Larger scale packaging.
Polyurethane Foam: high resiliency flexible foam seating, rigid foam insulation panels, microcellular foam seals and gaskets.
Burnett Process, Inc. has been a foam fabricator for 55 years. Our experience speaks for itself. Let us guide you in your choice for your next foam application. Our engineers will specify the right type and amount of foam for your application. Please request a quote today!
Alison Hamilton
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Justin- If you could be so kind as to send me the dimensions that you are looking for and the quantities that you are looking to purchase. Thanks!! Please send to
Hello – I currently have a small furniture business and I would like to start produce large foam blocks for kids. Ideally, the foam would be at least 2 inches thick, soft to the touch, in colors, but with enough density to have structural integrity – and so that I can cut the pieces using my CNC machine. Justin