Collection: Replacement and Accessory Parts for LaserVac Shark 9000-II (1-speed)
Parts and accessories that are compatible with the LaserVac Shark 9000-II (1 speed):
- High Efficiency Filtration Module (401400-1)
- High Efficiency Filtration Module- PLASTIC (401400-PB, 401400-PG, 401400-PW)
- 8 Foot Stretch Hose ESD (900494)
- Aluminum Tube Hose Connector (401310-1)
- Anti-Static Crevice Tool (401406)
- Anti-Static Down-Sized Crevice Tool (401401-1)
- Rubber Crevice Tool (401322)
- Keyboard Brush, Static Dissipative (401495)
- Tube Hose Adaptor, Static Dissipative (401404-1)
- Shoulder Carry Strap (401323)
- Power Supply Cord (430063)
- ESD Wrist Strap (920374)